What Complications Are Associated with Herniated Discs?

What Complications Are Associated with Herniated Discs?
What Complications Are Associated with Herniated Discs?

Herniated discs, also sometimes called slipped or bulging discs, occur when the discs that separate the vertebrae in the spine protrude from their normal location and push against the nerves in the back. Although herniated discs sometimes do not cause any symptoms, in other cases, they can cause debilitated back pain. If you think you could be experiencing the symptoms of a herniated disc, see a back doctor in Miami for diagnosis and treatment.

The complications associated with herniated discs depend on which discs are affected. If the herniated discs are located along your cervical spine—the portion that runs through your neck—you can experience neck pain and stiffness as well as shooting pain in your arms and hands. In some cases, you may also experience chronic headaches. For herniated discs in the lumbar spine, or lower back, in addition to back pain, it’s common to have pain, numbness, and tingling down one or both legs. In extreme cases, loss of bladder control can occur. Sciatica, a type of back pain that runs from the lower back down the buttocks and into one leg, is commonly associated with herniated discs in the lumbar spine.

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